I’m Back!!

Running the Queens 10K past the famed Unisphere

It’s been some time since I’ve posted… I think years, actually, and the reason is a good one, my hot flashes have subsided and I think I’m moving toward the end of the peri-menopause phase of my life. That said, I still have health “problems” that are impacting my running but I’m still out there, running through them.

So, why am I coming back to the blog? Well, I have a big birthday coming up in October and I’ve decided to run another marathon to celebrate, and maybe to actually qualify for Boston! The good news about getting older is your BQ time gets easier (and you’re back to being the young one in the age group, rather than then old one…). I’ve decided on Steamtown on October 7, 2018. That will be 22 days prior to my 50th birthday and I’m pretty excited about it. I’m in the easy part of the training still, building, easy runs, so it’s still fun. I have a coach to help me focus and get there healthy and with a shot at my BQ time which is 4 hours flat. My PR is 4:11 which still means I have to knock off at least 11 minutes but, that’s only about 30 seconds per mile and I really think it’s in my grasp.

My goal this training cycle, outside of my time goal, is to get in at least one post per week, recapping my training and sharing progress, both running and health-wise. Come along on this journey with me and help me get across that finish line in October!

Global Running Day

I love this idea of Global Running Day. It’s not that I don’t run most days but it’s better knowing how many millions of people have pledged to run today! I’m meeting teammates and strangers alike to run in my favorite park, my home turf, Van Cortlandt.

There are tens of millions of people who have pledged to run today and the goal is to get at least one million kids to pledge to run. At last check they had about 660,000 pledged so I hope there’s a big up-tick and they make the mark. There’s such a problem in this country of kids who are overweight and who don’t get enough exercise. There are so many ways to get moving but running is the easiest, everyone can do it and even if you aren’t healthy enough yet to run, walking is great exercise.

My husband laughed when I told him I had to go out to run in the park today because it was Global Running Day. I ran in the park yesterday, and the day before and I’ll probably be there again tomorrow, but it is special today because it’s part of a movement.

I was so happy to find a few of my kids from the VCTC Kids Running Club at the park and even got to run with William for a little over a mile. I don’t usually get the chance to run with one individual kid because there are always so many kids at practice so it was a real treat for me and I hope for William too.

Another day, another mile (or five or ten) to run…