I started this blog out of desperation. I’ve been experiencing various symptoms of peri-menopause for about 10 years now. Hot flashes, some weight gain, but now the mood swings, sleep problems, and periods of exhaustion are becoming more prevalent too. While I realize there are ways to mitigate the symptoms, the thing that struck me most was how alone I felt. There were only a few people I spoke with about my symptoms and many people didn’t believe that I could be experiencing this because they didn’t think I was old enough. I am now 47 and when the hot flashes first started I was about 39 and really, really didn’t feel like I was old enough to be going through peri-menopause. I had young kids after all! But there it was. During business meetings and family parties all of a sudden my whole head would heat up and I would be so uncomfortable. My doctor didn’t provide much help at first and none of my close girlfriends were going through this so I really felt alone.
I’m older and wiser now (I guess) and I’ve decide that it’s time to not just talk about menopause but document and share with the world. There’s nothing wrong with going through the change, it’s part of the natural aging process. I welcome all women to read and participate in the discussion here. Share your experiences and laugh with us about this challenging time that goes by quick for some or on for years or even a decade for others (I’m hoping that’s not my situation but I’m pretty close…). This is a place for support, comfort and laughter. This is not for selling things, judgment or pretending we are doctors. If you need medical help, go see your doctor, if you want to share with other women going through the change, this is the place for you. Enjoy!