Long Run Number Two – Beating the Heat

With the forecast of 95 for Saturday and 100 for Sunday, I figured it best to make sure my long run was completed on Saturday morning, early. The calendar had the same workout as last week, 75 minutes easy.

I started out with different people than I usually run with, teammates that I know full well are faster than me.  We started out at a pace that was a little faster than I should have been going at the start of a long run, especially with the heat, but we were talking and the next thing I knew we were about halfway done so I kept going. We ran up the Putnam Trail and then up to Tibbett Brook Park where we found water and the restroom.  The trip back was fine until about 45-50 minutes in when the heat started getting to me.

I sent my running partners on ahead so I could slow down a bit.  I ran by myself for about a mile or so, when one of my buddies came back for me, to encourage me to finish. That’s the best part about running with a team. You have to run the race by yourself, but being part of a team means you don’t have to train alone.

Over the HHP near the turnaround on the bike

Sunday morning I had a 30 minutes easy on my training plan and took the opportunity to cheer for my friends competing in the NYC Triathlon. The bike portion of the race comes through my neighborhood so I make it a point to go out and cheer every year. Training for one sport is hard enough, I can’t imagine competing in 3 different sports in the same day… I have such admiration for those athletes!